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Art Journey Updates

Unveil Dina Khataan’s work of art updates

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Art Journey Updates

J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 0

I always look for 'Change'. It is embedded in my personality, and apparently clear in my art, every time I would throw everything I built my skills on behind me, and look for a new adventurous road to take, a new medium, a new idea as if I am constantly racing self- made challenges.

Lately, I have been experimenting with fluids without the use of resin, I try to chase the spontaneous dance of fluids as it foretells a story, a story worth discovery.

I also practice abstract art, a therapeutic release for me, creating structures with textures, and using mixed media to convey emotions, memories, and thoughts that carries my own voice.
The body of work stems from my own vulnerability, personal struggles, and internal conflicts. Channeling my inner turmoil to create artistic pieces that resonates with an audience.

Nowadays, I am also getting very passionate about the use of natural stones in my art, which I travel specially to buy and choose, one- by- one. Besides, its healing proportions, and its precious value; each one tells a story utilizing its unique assemblage of textures, shine, and complexion.
This makes it irresistible to me not to use it to amplify, augment, or highlight the ideology and resemblance behind the piece I am working on.



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