Available for acquisition.
Size; 112 cm x 72 cm including frame.
Mixed media
The artwork carries a strong symbol of independence and self- love to purpose in life. Fearless and unbothered with a striking combination of vibrant flattering colors that change according to the state of emotions and contrast of the female model, this figurative mixed media artwork by Dina Khataan is a reminder of self-love, a reflection of intrepidness and the wholeness to be self-reliant.
The artwork is a masterpiece within the 'Discovery of Self" series, a collection of fluid figurative compositions that delve into the intricate odysseys of self-discovery. From the tender dawn of self-exploration to the profound depths of self-realization, the visionary resin pioneer, Dina Khatan, masterfully wields a diverse palette of mixed media artistry to chronicle these profound tales. Each artwork becomes a controversial trip through the corridors of life of a woman. beckoning us to align more closely with our inner truths. A poignant reminder of who we presently are and the boundless potential that awaits our evolution.
إكتفاء الذات
يحمل هذا العمل الفني رمز قوي لاستقلال المرأه المعاصرة وحب الذات لابراز النفس وأهدافها الذاتيه. جرأه وقوة ولا مبالاه مع ألوان اللوحه الساطعه التي تختلف من حاله لأخرى حسب مزاج المرأه باللوحه. هذا العمل الفني التصويري والمصمم من مواد مختلطه بأنامل التشكيلية دينا ختعن يأتي كإنعكاس للجرأة والتحرر الفكري والاكتفاء الذاتي.
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